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children Performance Spring Preschool Kota Tangerang

New World, New Education It's Small World And Grow.

Welcome to Spring preschool Serpong where we see every child with their own uniqueness and different set of potentials.  Our dedicated teachers will help the children to learn, and participate in meaningful play, individual, and group work as well.  With the right nurturing and stimulation, all children will grow to their maximum potential.
Spring preschool BSD Serpong Gading instills love towards every student, embracing the distinctive characteristics and abilities by exposing them to broad range of concepts, experiences, and media from the world around them.
Distinctive, Unique, and Special

Founded and established in 2013, Spring preschool caters to the early childhood education and is known for the warmth approach to welcome every student an experience of lifetime memory.

Office Hours:  Monday: 07:30 am – 3:30 pm and so on to Saturday 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
We look forward to get to know and serve you and your precious children.  Please follow our step by step guide to your admission process:
1. Please input online registration form here in order to enroll
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of KK (Kartu Keluarga)
- Copy of Daddy and Mommy’s Identification Card (KTP)
- 2X3 Photo (2 piece)
Filled out Online Form
2.  After filling out registration form, please call our Administration to schedule a meeting with Principal. 
Parents are requested to attend the meeting as well:
Spring preschool Gading Serpong at (021) 5421 0308 and Spring preschool Modernland at (021) 5578 1219
3. Once arriving at school, we will show you the facilities and classes.
We will then explain about the curriculum and objectives on every level.
4. Once all the payments are settled, we will submit your child’s uniform and your child is officially part of our Spring preschool distinctive students.
If you have further questions, please contact us at (021) 5421 0308 or through our email at
We will respond to your enquiries as soon as possible.

The Pre Nursery program is a full 2 hours programs consisting of routines programs, circle time, and exploring through many different learning aspect, such as table top puzzle, senses stimulation to ...
The level of moving from babyhood to childhood where we further enhance the cognitive skills with more complex learning aspect to maximize their potential to the fullest.  Children will ...
Literacy and Mathematics foundation shall be the main focus for this level through games and schoolwork activities to ensure good understanding of numbers, letters, and words.  Through games and ...
Children will be introduced towards more complex aspects to enhance their individual performance to present themselves and come up with solutions to their daily problem in real life context, such ...

Spring Preschool Gading Serpong
Jalan Gading Golf Boulevard Gading Serpong. Ruko Diamond 3 No 8-9, Kabupaten Tangerang. Pakulonan Bar, Klp. Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810
T. 021-54210308
Mobile. ( 62+ ) 81382605328

Spring Preschool Modernland
Babakan, Kec. Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15117
T. 021-55781219
Mobile. ( 62+ ) 8111368388


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